Kituok07’s Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Hollywood

Image: Chesley "Sully" Sullenburger

Flight 1549 pilot “Sully” Sullenberger

So many times we hear of people being saved from danger because of simple things that they had to do. We have heard of missed flights that turned out to be a final for many; we have heard about missed trains, missed buses. We usually get really annoyed when these things happen but sometimes they happen for our own benefits. Take a look at these pictures and let me know what are your thoughts. click here Read the rest of this entry »

What’s the matter with this woman? She is a typical Hollywood wife; they change partners more often than how I comb my hair. Madonna is not even over her marriage to Guy Ritchie and what do we know she has moved a new man in already. This Luz must have been in the picture well before she decided to split from Guy for all I know he might have been the reason that she split in the first place.


Just last week I was reading the custody battle story and now I am reading that she is not only dating a new man but he has moved him in as a partner and father. He has even met the children already which mean that he must be somewhat permanent. I am a bit cautious regarding my children. Whoever I date will see my children only when the relationship is concrete much more moving into my home.


Madonna needs help! She ought to move into rehab and get her head checked out as I don’t suppose that she is thinking rationally at the moment. Some women don’t think that they can survive without the opposite sex. What’s up with this mellowing of hers, if she was not a lady then with Guy, I don’t believe that she is likely to be a lady now. Don’t let that Jesus she is dating fool you!! He is not Jesus the Christ who can change people!


I feel a bit disappointed in Madonna that at her age, and a mother, she is still incapable of handling a home, family, motherhood and marriage.


Someone help her please!!!




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